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    • Similac Pro-Sensitive HMO Infant Formula 34 oz, 2-count
    • Similac 雅培一段Sensitive敏感奶粉 964g*2罐装 适合0-12个月宝宝
    • 雅培一段Sensitive敏感奶粉加量装,净含量:964g*2罐装 ,适用于0-12个月宝宝,独特的不含棕榈油配方,可以更好的帮助宝宝吸收钙质,促进骨骼发育;增加的DHA/ARA是母乳中特有的营养成分,促进宝宝腿部/脑部发育;临床证明支持正常婴儿发育,两种碳水化合物的混合物以最大限度地帮助和消化,适用于乳糖过敏的宝宝,该配方为容易消化的牛奶蛋白配方,帮助避免乳糖过敏的宝宝腹泻,涨气和腹肌绞痛等症状。(030220)
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    Item may be available in your local warehouse. Limit 2 per membership Item may be available in your local warehouse. Limit 2 per membership Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party. Overview For Immune Support for Brain and Eye Development Similac is the first formula brand with 2'-FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO),* an immune-nourishing prebiotic like that found? in breast milk. HMOs feed good bacteria in the gut, where 70% of the immune system exists. Similac with 2'-FL HMO helps strengthen baby's immune system to be more like the breastfed infant than ever before. Our exclusive blend has DHA, Lutein, and Vitamin E. These important ingredients help support brain development, eye health, and developing cells. * Not from human milk. ? At significant levels. Exclusive Blend of Nutrients Our exclusive blend has DHA, Lutein, and Vitamin E??important ingredients found in breast milk. DHA supports brain development, Lutein supports eye health, and Vitamin E is an important nutrient that supports developing cells. No Artificial Growth Hormones Similac is the first leading infant formula brand with no artificial growth hormones1 ? Our dairy ingredients come from cows that have not been treated with artificial growth hormones. Palm Oil free video 1 No significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rbST-treated and non-rbST-treated cows.

    For Sensitive Stomachs,First Formula with 2'-FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO),HMO Helps Support Baby's Immune System,All Ingredients are Non-GMO

    Baby Formula Type:Powder,Brand:Similac,Dietary Features:Kosher,Dietary Features:Non GMO,

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