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    分类: 美容护肤 >> 护肤 >> 爽肤水 >>
    • Alteya Organics Bulgarian Rose Water 8 fl oz, 2-pack
    • Alteya 天然保加利亚玫瑰水爽肤水 240ml*2
    • 两款可选:白玫瑰水(阿尔巴玫瑰)、红玫瑰水(大马士革玫瑰)。美国USDA农业部认证的有机100%纯天然醇粹保加利亚玫瑰水,香气纯朴清淡,保湿效果极佳,具有消炎美白作用。多用途:一勺加入早餐果汁或茶,润肤水,喷在脸身体房间并深呼吸,按摩进洗净的头发,做甜点加入,男用须后水,抗炎平衡肌肤,不含任何酒精香精,受美国农业部认证的化妆品牌极少,成分只有一个:新鲜玫瑰花瓣蒸馏萃取后加水稀释。(030719)
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    USDA Certified Organic Award-Winning Alteya Rose Water
    100% Real Rose Flower Water. NOT a fragrance or artificially perfumed rose water.
    Alteya's Rose Water does NOT have any added alcohol or essences like the ones offered by other brands. Our rose water's aroma is light and earthy.
    Steam-distilled from Alteya's fresh rose petals (Rosa Damascena) and at Alteya's Rose Distillery.
    Therapeutic, Cleansing, and Detoxifying. Skin Care-Grade. Food-Grade.
    Featured in Elle, InStyle, W Conde Nast magazines
    Moisturizing. Anti-inflammatory, Acne-preventing, and Balancing.
    Rejuvenating, Uplifting, Energizing.
     Unlike the majority of rose waters, which are usually synthetically perfumed essences, mixtures of rose fragrances and regular water, or are by-products of the rose oil distillation process, Alteya's organic rose water is unique as it is thermal-distilled directly from fresh rose petals (Rosa Damascena) without separating the rose oils during the process, using our proprietary distillation method. This ensures that our rose water retains all therapeutic and skin care properties of the amazing Bulgarian rose flowers.

    Alteya's rose water is also USDA NOP Certified Organic. The USDA Organic Standard is the strictest organic regulation in the world. Products that carry the USDA organic seal are: 1) Based on 100% organically-grown and organically-produced ingredients; Or 2) Contain a minimum of 95% organically-grown and organically produced ingredients; and any remaining ingredients must be approved on the USDA National Organic Product list.

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